I SAY MMM – Second EP from Joyalai, premiere now

I SAY MMM: new album to meow your summer with Joyalai

Joyalai’s second EP, «I Say Mmm», an authentic fresh breath of Feline Rock (we could say), contains four new original songs by the band, plus two of this year’s singles, which close the album, also originals.
The lyrics, tasty and juicy like canned tuna, come to life in the vibrant, evocative vocals of Alice Parky and Allen Lightened. The six songs are composed, written and produced by Al James.


The sound in general falls within the Indie or Alternative genre, in an album that exudes vitality and vocal and instrumental exuberance, predominating the sounds and aromas of Pop-Rock, Folk-Rock, Southern Rock, Cosmic Americana and Doo Wop. Premiered on June 20, the full release of this EP will be on July 8, 2024.

Press note by SunnToneS

Already avalaible in Bandcamp.


Joyalai site








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